On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 08:02:41PM +0100, Joachim Schroeder wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, David Boyes wrote:
> > I'd be a lot happier if SuSE reinstated the media kits w/o support -- I like
> > their distribution, and I generally like their approach, but I don't see a
> > good reason to pay for something I'm not going to use. I'm told that media
>                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> If you are not going to use it anyway, why you _need_ Linux on a mainframe? If
> you just want to play with Linux, there is just the same Linux on a much
> cheaper platform, e.g. ia32.

It may not be a question of SuSE-on-S/390 versus no Linux-on-S/390, you
know.  Further, it may well be going into a shop that wants to run Linux
on Intel boxes as well.  Those shops usually want to use a single
vendor's Linux distributions across their platforms.  There is at least
one distributor that lets you do this for evaluation purposes free of

While Linux, pretty nearly, is Linux, it is quite useful to be able to
actually run it on the candidate platform.

Further, I think the idea of a $4500 evaluation license is simply silly,
especially since you include support with it.  If it's an *evaluation*
license, what do I need the support for?  A much cheaper, no-support
license would be much more appropriate for evaluation purposes.  "Can't
get it running without needing the support I haven't paid for," is
certainly a viable evaluation result, and would tell the evaluator a lot
about the ease of installation of the product.


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