EXACTLY!  Forcing service contracts down the throats of shops that are
evaluating Linux/390 for use within their organization will KILL THE
INITIATIVE, ENTIRELY!  But MOST large shops will not run ANYTHING in
production without some level of service from the vendor, and THAT is what
SuSE does not seem "to get"!

Has Linus Torvalds weighed in on this issue, i.e. whether the "nominal
charge" which a vendor may charge for redistribution of the Linux operating
system can be "co-mingled" with a mandatory service contract?  Seems to
violate the "spirit" of the GPL, if not the letter of it.

Michael Coffin, VM Systems Programmer 
Internal Revenue Service - Room 6030 
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W. 
Washington, D.C.  20224 

Voice: (202) 927-4188   FAX:  (202) 622-6726

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: reasons why management don't want linux

In a message dated 1/21/2002 10:26:52 PM Mountain Standard Time,

> What you
> need to understand is that your success so far is based on widespread
> acceptance of your code and that your current market dominance is based on
> being the first mover in this space.  Take that away by making your
> distribution difficult to obtain or integrate into custom solutions, or
> annoy enough of the consultants and system integrators by making it
> difficult for them to value-add onto your product, and you *will* lose
> acceptance, and correspondingly, your market share.  You're biting the
> hands
> that feed you.
> If that's your strategy, great, it's working.  Your gun, your head, your
> thumb spinning the cylinder.  The choice is yours.  Out here, we, the
> that recommend purchases to customers don't think it's such a great idea
> and
> are trying to give you feedback on your choice before the marketplace
> Take that for what it's worth -- after all, look what you paid for


...and let me add this point

It is important for SuSE to understand that IF they open up the evaluation
and get the latest release spinning on lots and lots of enterprise
they will eventually reap MANY support contracts from S390 sites.
After all...how many companies are going to allow PRODUCTION use of Linux on
the mainframe
without support contracts  ??


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