On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Richard Gooch wrote:

> Will it really make much difference? What would be harder to do
> without mount IDs? And how much harder?

Beware of functions with many arguments... Besides, what about "kill
the component of union-mount on /barf NFS-mounted from venus:/foo/bar"?
What exactly are you going to pass here? Such stuff is better left to

> > And then... consider the situation when root logs in and decides to
> > mess with luser's namespace.
> What about it?

bastard@venus% su -
root@venus% w luser
luser   pts/0   ...
root@venus% ps t pts/0
728 pts/0 ...
root@venus% cat /proc/728/ns
123749  /home/luser/foo /       nfs     <whatever>
root@venus% umount -I 123749
root@venus% logout
bastard@venus% mail luser
Subject: you've been told to umount ~/foo
<appropriate verbal abus^Weducation>

> Avoiding numbers is a good thing. They have no intrinsic meaning.

Tell that to guys who invented file descriptors. IMO that works quite
fine - I'll prefer to do close(17) rather than <recalling incantations of
horror needed on OS/360><shuddering><deciding not to type that stuff late
on Saturday>

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