Just an idea... One of our teachers tends to leave a lot of tabs open when closing FF. When she logs back in and starts FF, it may take some 30 seconds with full load on all eight CPUs until FF has reloaded all her tabs. This leads to a complete stall on the system for everyone for some seconds.


Am 23.11.2016 13:38, schrieb Seção de Informática do HGuJP:

I'm using ltsp in ubuntu 16.04 and it works great. However, when I run any version of firefox after version 45 the system slows down and CPU consumption increases considerably. I disabled all the plugins but the problem continues.

Any possible solution?

Thank you.

Below a result of ltsp-info command
server information:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
Release:    16.04
Codename:    xenial

server packages:
ii ldm-server 2:2.2.18-1
un ltsp-client <nenhuma>
un ltsp-client-core <nenhuma>
ii ltsp-docs 1.2-1
ii ltsp-server 5.5.7-1
ii ltsp-server-standalone 5.5.7-1
un ltsp-utils <nenhuma>
ii ltspfs 1.4-2

packages in chroot: /opt/ltsp/amd64
ii ldm 2:2.2.18-1
un ldm-themes <nenhuma>
ii ldm-ubuntu-theme 2:2.0.47
un ldm-ubuntu-themes <nenhuma>
ii ltsp-client 5.5.7-1
ii ltsp-client-core 5.5.7-1
ii ltspfsd 1.4-2
ii ltspfsd-core 1.4-2

found: /opt/ltsp/amd64/etc/lts.conf

found image: /opt/ltsp/images/amd64.img

Logo HGuJP      


TELEFONE: (083) 2106-1716




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