> We certinly need the AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS, since otherwise checks for the
> C++ compilers features are done with the C compiler :) I put it back
> in, and added an AC_LANG_CPLUS_PLUS later. 
> In general, configuring with AC_LANG_CPLUS_PLUS would be better, since
> we will compile with the C++ compiler. If the gnome scripts are broken
> with C++, they should be fixed. What are the errors? I cannot test,
> since I do not have gnome installed here.

Well, it seems that script gtk.m4 fails to compile a small gtk program
with AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. When I inserted AC_LANG_C before AC_TRY_RUN
(gnome/gtk.m4, line 65) and AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS at the end of this script,
the program was compiled. However, the configure script produced slightly
different Makefile (one CPPFLAGS option was missing). Thus, to resolve
this problem one needs to run AC_TRY_RUN with AC_LANG_C and somehow keep
the configuration of AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. I don't know how to do it.

> PS: Marko, are you on the lyx-devel list?

yes, almost for an hour already :).


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