On 17 July 2017 at 00:48, Enrico Forestieri <for...@lyx.org> wrote:

> Dear Christian,
> I see that the operated obfuscation of issues is working with you.

Dear Enrico,

Don't worry, all is not lost and any operation obfuscation has not yet
succeeded in invading Sweden. I still know that I don't know this topic
well enough to have a very useful opinion.

But perhaps better to continue discussing this in a more suitable thread?
Otherwise my plan for world domination by using clang-format to obfuscate
the entire LyX code base in one fell swoop will drown in discussions that
actually matter ;-)

> At the moment, there is no security problem with minted.
On the contrary
> there is a big question about security of features that were either
> present or recently introduced. Of course, it was the ability by which
> these questions were treated that lead you to think that the problem
> is minted, specifically, while it is not. ATM, in no way you can risk
> something if you decide to use minted.

It's good to know although I'm anyway not personally at risk, unfortunately
I'm currently not writing in LyX.


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