Le 15/07/2017 à 19:28, Christian Ridderström a écrit :
I hope we can at least see if a debate is necessary, we might get lucky. Perhaps the current source code is mainly consistent, in which case we could align to that format. I can at least compile a list of topics.

Sure. What I do not want to see is, in very nested loops, function calls split to a ridiculous number of line to avoid the 72 (80?) characters limit.

Btw, what (if any) version of clang-format do you have on your system?

On Ubuntu 17.04: 4.0
On Ubuntu 16.04: 3.8

We should see what features are really required for what we want to do.

Clang format uses TAB for block indentation and spaces for the rest, i.e. Emacs smart-tabs, through the setting

     UseTabStyle: ForIndentation

Good. I like this one.


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