On 07/23/2017 09:43 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

Paul's advice is all on the mark,
Accidents will happen. :-)
  but I'm guessing you don't want those
complexities. So use Ubuntu.
Or Linux Mint (which is what I use). I've seen more than one person opine that Mint is the closest distribution to Windows (meaning Win 7 or earlier, not Win 10). Mint is based on Ubuntu, so pretty much anything that runs on Ubuntu runs on Mint. I've also used Ubuntu (before I switched to Mint), and it's also pretty user-friendly. I agree that one or the other of those two is probably an easier transition from the Windows world than most other distributions.

BTW, you can download a bootable version of Mint to a USB memory stick and run it from the stick, to see if everything works (in particular, all peripheral devices). If you like it, you can install from the stick. I'm not sure if the equivalent is available with Ubuntu, but it might be.


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