> My advice to new Linux folks is always to start with a 'mainstream'
> distribution. I.e., start with Ubuntu.

The distribution is not the question. Although I can recommend Manjaro because 
I got a new OS after just an hour and everything worked out of the box 
(booting, hardware and software) and I don't need to use a console neither for 
installing nor for settings.

The point is that users start LyX and get a cryptic error message instead of a 
PDF document. The vast majority of users don't care about what is going on in 
the background, they want programs to just work out of the box. I mean with 
LibreOffice under Linux one can just begin to write, with LyX one cannot. So 
what program would people use? So we are loosing many potential users because 
of this problem.
That is why I spent so much time to get everything to work on Windows by just 
clicking OK a few time in the installer. And my thought is that when it works 
on Windows, it must work on Linux too.

@ Paul: Manjaro uses packages from Arch Linux. After installing all texlive 
packages, I cannot open the TeXLive manager. There is no program called tlmgr 
or so. I will investigate what I can do. However, what user will invest an hour 
to get a program running? All other programs like Gimp, Inkscape, Audacity etc. 
work out of the box but LyX not.

> If you have some other old, underpowered machine,

As I wrote it is a brand new laptop. At first I started with XFCE but there I 
missed many things. I switched to the KDE version and I am confident with this 

regards Uwe

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