On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 03:46:00AM +0100, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> John Weiss wrote:
> >2. What the heck is a beamer?
> >
> >Just because you think it's the greatest-thing-since-sliced-bread
> >doesn't mean everyone else does.  Or even knows it exists.  (Your bias
> >is showing, Uwe!)
> (Nobody forces you to add caustic comment to your questions.)

I blame it on That Horrible Horrible place I quit working for, (from
which I fled screaming).  That place makes people mean.  (That, and
I'm lacking sleep.  Never a good combo.)

> Beamer is a class for creating presentations. It is a new package but 
> became one of the most popular in the LaTeX community (browse e.g. 
> comp.text.tex). Beamer is developed to work together with LyX and also 
> the beamer userguide incorporate LyX.

We jaded longtime LyX'ers have seen it all before.  First Seminar,
then Foils/FoilTeX.  Now Beamer.

Replacements for that old, creaky kludge known as SLiTeX crop up
about 1 per year.  For some odd reason, no single one ever seems to
take hold.  Heavens only knows why.  It's not like SLiTeX isn't
obtuse, arcane, subpar, and generally awful.

If Beamer is the heir-apparent to SLiTeX, trust me, we'll add full
support for it to LyX when the time comes.  Then we can finally chuck
support for that hack, SLiTeX (which we only keep because [a] it's an
official part of LaTeX; and [b] too many hidebound professors refuse
to learn anything new  :P  <bleh>).

> >If it were really all that critical (like e.g. geometry.sty), it'd
> >already have integrated LyX support.  If it's The Future, the devteam
> >will discover it soon enough...
> So I shouldn't make proposals?

Proposals are made as questions.  You made an assertion.  :)

John Weiss

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