Jose Capco wrote:

> I would be interested too.. I would also be interested
> in a tex2lyx standalone (ie. would run without one
> having lyx in his system) if this is possible. I just
> downloaded Angus's tex2lyx but Im not sure if it works
> for window users who installed lyx using cygwin (I
> didnt tried other lyx versions for windows ... I
> thought since I have cygwin already I will just do
> with this version), it wasnt able to find the .ltx
> file even if I put it in the sysdir parameter of
> tex2lyx.
> ... but then again, I dont think this was meant to be
> used in cygwin.
> Sincerely,
> Jose Capco

This is a native Windows executable. It doesn't understand Cygwin-style,
posix-ish paths.

Can you run it from a CMD prompt? Ie, pass it Windows-style paths as I did
in the example I posted.


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