On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Etienne lepercq <e.gu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >[self-contained lyx-files]
> I think this feature should be at least re-discussed.

I for one have had large troubles when asking people to cooperate with me,
because I had to give them precise instructions how to set up lyx. The image
relative path thing I could solve by making lyx find the pictures using
relative paths and otherwise sharing the folder using dropbox, so i didn't
need to tar/untar anything. What was REALLY difficult was the .module I had
written for the document. It cannot be accessed by a relative path; it needs
to be inserted directly into the lyx tree. On OSX, I have to redo the module
installation procedure on every update.

I would like to point to how pages treats its documents. Pages documents are
identified with directories, which contain the required images, texts and
properties. No zipping into one archive is done. OSX then makes the
directory look like a file (called a package) in finder.

I think, sharing lyx documents would would be simplified  by providing
self-contained bundles that can be shipped around.


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