
Having mentioned this on the side, I’ll say it again for posterity: I bundle my 
app also using the appbundler and also have just recently been receiving that 
same email from Apple upon app submission.

Today, I finally got my app bundle to be accepted (for the first part of the 
process anyhow, it’s still pending a review from a human now).  Here’s what I 
noticed and did differently…

Looking at my fully signed app bundle, I noticed that the folder contained 
different items than the folder.. 
particularly, it contained a CodeResources file which made me wonder if perhaps 
this was what was triggering our error (as the Apple documentation mentions not 
using the --resource-rules flag anymore, which I was never doing in the first 
place, but according to the codesign documentation, if resource rules are not 
specified, it does its best to make something up, and I’m guessing it was 
making something up for my embedded JRE bundle).

After some tinkering around, I discovered that the appbundler removes a 
particular folder, the 1.8.0.jre/Contents/MacOS folder when it stuffs the JRE 
into  Well, when this folder is removed, codesign behaves much 
differently than when this folder is present.  When this folder is present, the folder contains 
the same item as the folder.  So, after I did 
my usual bundling script, I went in and manually restored the folder, then I signed 
everything as I usually do… and surely enough, the app is accepted by 
Application Loader.

So, given that you are still struggling with javapackager, you might want to 
try this simple solution, as it might be all that you need to keep your 
existing flow working.


On Nov 9, 2014, at 2:26 PM, Zach Oakes <> wrote:

> It looks like Apple has changed its codesigning requirements for the Mac
> App Store. Thus far, I've been packaging my Java app using Oracle's
> appbundler tool and signing it with the following script:
> This worked fine even as recently as last month. This time, I get an email
> from them with the following:
> Invalid code signature - Signatures created with OS X version 10.8.5 or
> earlier [v1 signatures] are obsoleted and will no longer be recognized by
> Gatekeeper beginning with OS X version 10.9.5. To ensure your apps will run
> on updated versions of OS X they must be signed on OS X version 10.9 or
> later [v2 signatures]. For more information, see OS X Code Signing In Depth
> I think this error is incorrect, because I'm using 10.9.5 with the latest
> Xcode (6.1). I tried "codesign -dv" and it says "Sealed Resources
> version=2 rules=12 files=7", so I think I am using v2 signatures. My JDK
> version has not changed since last month (8u25), so I can rule that out.
> I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
> Zach

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