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On 01.06.2015 19:02, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
On 6/1/15 12:39 PM, A.R. G wrote:

Re: "The Western Left" I have seen leftists in the West take many
different positions. It's true that a significant segment basically
threw in with Putin, although my guess would be that a significant
number did not even wade in.

I wish that was so. But for the most part, the Western left views anybody who rallied in Maidan Square as either witting or unwitting tools of American imperialism. As far as I know, I am one of the few people in the USA who identifies politically with Chris Ford, a long-time activist for Ukraine (he is proficient in the language and has written for scholarly publications.) Chris is very involved with the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign based in England and I invite Marxmailers to bookmark its website: http://ukrainesolidaritycampaign.org/

One of the problems I have with the article is that it seriously distorts certain things about positions within DIE LINKE, where I know the people and the positions they've taken in reality.

The article says, for example, that Andrej Hunko is regarded as an expert on the Ukraine simply because of his name. This isn't true, he's regarded as an expert because of years-long engagement with the politics of the country and personal acquaintance with many of the political actors. I must state an interest here - I've known Andrej for many years and I consider him a political ally on many issues, while disagreeing with him on his assessment of the Maidan. And as far as the notorious photo with the rebel leader in the Eastern Ukraine is concerned, as Andrej remarked in a personal conversation, if you are delivering medical supplies to a hospital in a war zone and a leader of one of the armed parties wants a photo you don't have much choice in the matter. Quite rightl,y Andrej points to the fact that the current regime is backed to the hilt by the US and the EU with the German government playing a leading role in this - and it's undeniable that there are many very unsavory political forces working in and with the Ukrainian government. Again I stress that I don't agree with Andrej's position on the Maidan but to describe him as being pro-Putin is a slander which has its origins in the propaganda of the German CDU/CSU/SPD grand coalition.

Another leading figure in DIE LINKE who's slandered in the article is Sahra Wagenknecht. She is quoted to suggest that she was/is in favour of an alliance with the racist and xenophobic Pegida movement. While it is true that within the party there was some discussion about how to reach at least some of the people originally mobilised by Pegida, no member of the party in any official position, including Sahra Wagenknecht, has ever suggested holding talks with the leadership of this movement. Indeed from the very start DIE LINKE has played a central role in the mobilisations against Pegida in Dresden and similar movements elsewhere.

So while the article may make some valid points about the anti-imps and RT, on the basis of the inaccuracies and distortions, whether deliberate or otherwise, about individuals and debates I'm personally acquainted with, I would tend to discount the article as an authoritative account of anything.

Einde O'Callaghan
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