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The report says there is no evidence of a systematic policy of ethnic cleansing. I'm not too sure many people made that claim. The various reports, from a variety of sources (eg the anti-ISIS group 'Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently'), that show the YPG uprooted people, destroyed property, prevented return etc, are too many to be false, and in any case this report gives plenty of dirt on YPG actions (as it does on all players). Nick wants to show that it doesn't show the worst, which is true, but it does show that the YPG is not perfect, which should be considered by those who have romanticised this current to the point that they are the only "true revolutionaries", any allegation against them is just Turkish or ISUS slander, whereas every allegation against other rebels are undoubtedly true and proof that they are little more than a jihadist jungle.

In addition, let's not forget that the report is only for the second half of 2016 and early 2017, whereas most of the worst allegations against YPG crimes were from 2014 through early 2016.

Nick writes, in relation to Roy Gutman, that "he seems to be a cruise missile liberal who's a shill for Erdogan." Not sure that the first and second parts of that sentence necessarily connect; I suppose it depends on concrete circumstances. Does he advocate US send its air-force to bomb the Kurds on behalf of Erdogan? Not that I am aware of. But, for example, do "cruise missile leftists" not advocate things like US intervention, use of the US air-force to bomb countries, even killing significant numbers of civilians, the sending of hundreds of US special forces into countries to back forces they support, the setting up of US bases in foreign countries etc etc? Not sure that Gutman advocates all that. But is your definition affected by the fact that the US does all these things in Syria in support, almost solely, of the YPG/SDF? (and when not in support of the YPG/SDF, in support of Assad).

-----Original Message----- From: Nick Fredman via Marxism
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2017 2:01 PM
To: Michael Karadjis
Subject: Re: [Marxism] UN Syria Commission clears YPG/J and SDF of ethnic cleansing charges

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Well too bad. I don't much stock at all in instant dismissal of evidence
because of the apparent predilections of the messenger, especially with
regard to Syria, about which it seems to be a particularly widespread
mechanism that allows people to stay in their comfortable bubble and not
even look at anything they know they won't like. It's fair enough that some people's agenda make one suspicious about how objective their evidence is, but it's a pretty weak argument to stop at that. You don't seem to be even starting at that, unless you think of some agenda a particular UN official
has in ordering her minions to doctor the evidence about alleged YPG and
SDF war crimes. And that the SNC and SOHR, who've also rebutted the "ethnic cleansing" claims, also have such an agenda. I've criticised Roy Gutman and called his Nation articles rubbish not just because he seems to be a cruise missile liberal who's a shill for Erdogan, but also because at least two of
his sources have complained about his distortion of their words, because
this has also happened in his previous work, because he leaves crucial
facts out, because claims made by his anonymous sources are often absurd
and/or completely contradicted by other evidence, etc.

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