The best thing so far about Ogg Vorbis has been the marketing.

I tested one file with the new b2, and even with -m6, the best possible
Vorbis setting, resulting in a 350kbit/s file it sounds poor.

There are obvious low-frequency bass distortions, which mp3 at
256kbit/s bitrate doesn't show.

Since OV developers also read this list, I'd like to let them know to
tweak their encoder to have good encoding of 'velvet', which can be
found at

LQ5-AAC manages to sound very well @192, so in future before they come
stating again "better than lame" (*) -> at least try get this track right
at 192kbit/s.

Maybe they should have developed their product for 1-2 years before
setting up a website and featuring artists.

It simply still is too buggy and needs a lot of work.

(*) One of their main developers stating "the ogg encoder available as of
today (beta 2), does sound better then current Lame." does their cause
not much good.

I'm just not very good with "hypes".  OV might get there, eventually.

[my opinion]
Believing OV, once mainstream, will not be slapped and crippled by lawsuits from
conventional music and distribution industry because it uses no
obvious patented material is plain out naive.  There goes the biggest
advantage of this format.
[/my opinion]

Best regards,

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