> [my opinion]
> Believing OV, once mainstream, will not be slapped and crippled by lawsuits from
> conventional music and distribution industry because it uses no
> obvious patented material is plain out naive.  There goes the biggest
> advantage of this format.
> [/my opinion]

Your other comments aside, this is just plain FUD.

We have top notch lawyers on this.  We have done lots of patent
research. We have paid lawyers to do lots of patent research.

We are not 'believing' it's patent free.  We plan to defend it in court
should the occasion arise, and have been preparing defenses for
sometime.  We don't think they will be needed.

You are naive to think we don't do our homeworld, or that there isn't
significant backbone to our claims to intelluctual property.

I'll remind you that MP3 IS currently crippled by intellectual property
restrictions, and Vorbis is not.  Why you'd even bring this up (since all
your other arguments are vorbis vs. mp3) is beyond me.  It makes little

As for your other opinions, you are one individual.  You ears are also
imperfect, and therefore we rely on the feedback of many people,
including yourself to improve the quality of vorbis.  We're not here to
kill the LAME project.  Hell, we PAID for quite a bit of development, and
Mark and I still talk to each other regularly.  We get feedback from him
on vorbis all the time.

Also, remember that vorbis has dual stereo, and doesn't combine
channels.  It's not fair to compare join stereo against it.  Do your tests
with dual stereo and see if the results are the same.  Help us tune
it.  This feedback cycle with you is really lousy, IMO.  We release
something, and then 2 months later you tell everyone it sucks.  Most otehr
people report their findings to us asap and help us nail the bugs.  No one
has found something that we haven't fixed yet, and I don't see how you
expect this to get fixed without telling us.  I also don't see why it's
some kind of "invader" on your personal space or something.  We're
building something for everyone.  it's open and free.  Mp3 is not.  I'd
think you'd be just a little more enthusiastic about helpingi it develop
into something you're happy with.  

Yes we have a long way to go, we already know that.  It took years to get
LAME where it is.  It will take vorbis a while to mature as well, but it's
pretty damn good now.


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