Reading Roel's initial statement, and all the replies, I'd like to comment
a little on this matter myself...

Yes, Roel was abit rash, but more than just a little justified imho. Don't
deny that quite a few of you were overpraising Vorbis long before it actually
was much to praise .. sure, it's a format with much potential, but it hasn't
reached much of that potential yet, and stating that it's an "mp3-killer"
already is way exagerated.

I'm not off trying to start a flamewar or anything, but I just want you all
to stop and think for a while, and consider your own actions, and please
cease all future defamatory remarks...

Offnote: Please find a way to avoid using alloca() which Vorbis seems to
use *alot*, it's not very portable, and is a horrible stack-abuse. ;)


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