> The best thing so far about Ogg Vorbis has been the marketing.

That's at best inflammatory, Roel.  Why not just start off your next mail with
a few comments about my mother? :-P

> I tested one file with the new b2, and even with -m6, the best possible
> Vorbis setting, resulting in a 350kbit/s file it sounds poor.

Then that's a bug. You're still going to be able to find problem samples
(and how many samples does it have no problem with at all?  The vast majority)
Last time you gave us the problem samples, and we fixed it.  We'll do the same
thing this time.

Isn't that the whole bloody point of a beta release?

> There are obvious low-frequency bass distortions, which mp3 at
> 256kbit/s bitrate doesn't show.

Right, bug, checking it out.  Most likely, it's the +/- 1.5 dB resolution in
the current codebooks.

> Since OV developers also read this list, I'd like to let them know to
> tweak their encoder to have good encoding of 'velvet', which can be
> found at http://r3mix.50g.com


> LQ5-AAC manages to sound very well @192, so in future before they come
> stating again "better than lame" (*) -> at least try get this track right
> at 192kbit/s.

You'll get farther with us if you remember your manners.  I don't mind being
told where the code is lacking.  Doing so with contempt and arrogance you're
not entitled to makes you hard to take seriously.  I barely bothered responding
to your message; I nearly let my Slashdot k1dd13 filter just discard it. FYI,

> Maybe they should have developed their product for 1-2 years before
> setting up a website and featuring artists.

Ahem.  I've been working on this for seven years.  Seven full time years, on my
own, after the duties at my day jobs were finished. I've got the good fortune
to be funded now, so this *is* the day job.  These past six months of funding
are all you're apparently aware of.  Now if you could bother checking some of
your rant against reality before insulting my dedication, I'll consider not
stuffing you onto my shit list for all of eternity.  There was an Ogg Vorbis
*long* before there was a LAME.

> (*) One of their main developers stating "the ogg encoder available as of
> today (beta 2), does sound better then current Lame." does their cause
> not much good.

I stand by what I said.  I'm an audio asshole and I use this code myself. There
are samples where LAME eats Ogg's breakfast.  There are samples where Ogg
spanks LAME.  Guess what, they're different systems and that's to be expected.
I think that Ogg is better overall, and that's not bullshit. 

> Believing OV, once mainstream, will not be slapped and crippled by lawsuits from
> conventional music and distribution industry because it uses no
> obvious patented material is plain out naive.  There goes the biggest
> advantage of this format.

"Bah". Diatribes are not productive.

We have a professional, independant legal/IP/Patent review backing up Ogg
Vorbis and a funded legal department to make that review stick.  You can keep
your head in the sand if you want Roel.


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