You are inviting too much. I'd love to flame you, which I may do some day (maybe
right now). I cringe every time I see Roel VdB coming into my inbox. I know
it's going to be something that I find less than interesting. No one asked your
opinion about Ogg Vorbis, so why tell everyone on an *mp3* encoder mailing list
your feelings? Is Ogg Vorbis a final release? No, can you do better. Absolutely
not. Beta means "not entirely stable", work in progress; there are bugs to be
fixed. Here's my opinion, you're an asshole. But that's my opinion, so I guess it's
ok to say it.

Joshua Bahnsen

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 16:04:04 Roel VdB wrote:
> Hello xxx,
> Thursday, September 14, 2000, 8:54:20 PM, you wrote:
> xx> Your comments are outright cruel. They edge on being completely
> xx> non-constructive.
> Yes, the comments are very direct.  It's just: I keep getting mails
> from people telling me that OV b2 is out, and that many bugs are
> fixed, and that it is claimed now that OV outperforms mp3 quality
> wise.
> Then I test it, and on the first clip I use, I have obvious audible
> artifacts.
> I know that it might not be politically correct that I am this
> conservative, and I should be more supportive of the new patent-free
> format, but I have this whole "hype" feeling about the whole project.
> It was not even alpha, and it was on slashdot as "the mp3 successor".
> I like innovation, and I never intend to hurt anyones feelings, but I
> am honest about my findings.  It's just my sceptical person that is
> quite harsh in outlet, but I'm just critical on all my tests, so why
> should I have sympathy for this format?
> If I had to choose a good alternative format to mp3, it'd be that mp+
> I tested briefly recently: very good on all I let it encode.
> OV is promising, but I still think it has a long way to go to be
> "better" than mp3.  Perfectly possible it sounds better at 128k or
> so, but for archiving purposes it simply isn't good enough yet.
> xx> I'm sure that no one will benifit from your attacks.
> probably not, but being able to have a different opinion than the
> mainstraim one, and being allowed to express it isn't a bad thing.
> I'm always open to founded and motivated critique myself, so please.
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Roel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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