On 09/04/2021 12:35 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> I am playing with the latest release of PasDoc. 

Not again! This has been raised so many times over the years. Martin (and I)
full agreed that PasDoc is not the way to go, because it requires the
source code to be bloated with documentation and code examples.

A better alternative:
* "fpdoc" comes standard with FPC.
* It supports multiple output formats.
* Is very well supported.
* And most importantly, supports external documentation (not included
  in the source code files).

I've already started fpdoc based documentation back in 2015 to show Martin
and the MSEide+MSEgui community. But the uptake of somebody actually
writing the documentation has never happened. I only use the IDE of
this project, so was not going to consume all my time learning MSEgui,
just to document it. However, I did put some time into it:


In the above like I did the following:
* Created a fpdoc project file. Makes things so much easier than
  adding all those command line parameters in manually.
* Created documentation for 3 MSEgui units
* Found existing txt based documentation and moved what I could
  understand to the XML format.
* Generated INF binary help output to show usage with DocView.

I thought this would be a good enough proof of concept.


You can read all about it here (mailing list archive), with screenshots.



fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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