On 09/04/2021 7:41 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> ... never really got into the habit of using it.

Integrate it into MSEide and reassign F1 to trigger help based on where
the edit cursor is.

Instructions are here:

I personally use the Free Pascal's RTL + FCL and fpGUI docs inside
MSEide - while I do coding. I can't remember every method or class.
;-) I also have a lot of personal notes or examples embedded inside my
docs (thanks to the feature from DocView).

The same can be done with RTL + FCL + MSEgui docs in INF format.
Though it would be much better if MSEgui was actually documented, but
we can hope that one day the community would band together on that
effort. [fingers crossed]


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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