Hello Sieghard!

About language things, OK, lot of hidden not-translated captions are added and 
your suggestions too.
It was done in previous last commit.

> When the current project is closed, and the IDE is terminated
>afterwards, the next time it's called it comes up "naked".

Ho, yes indeed, I did not note this and it is bad.
Thanks to show it.
Now the size and position of main form is restored even if no project is loaded.
Also, when you close a project, the layout "AfterClose.prj"  is involved.
You may addapt it like you want and save it back into /layout folder.
All this was added in last commit.

> Imagine a dialog displayed at the bottom of the screen such that _only_
> its title bar is visible, and even this sticking out halfway over the
>screen border. Something like this happened several times to me, and at

Sorry but there is something that I still dont catch.
What kind of dialog is displayed at the bottom?
How can you do it?  Using the right button?
For me it is always readable (but I miss something).


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