Quoting "Mr. Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who wrote:
> adam morley wrote:
> > so currently, the mime type of my message is text/plain.  i want to change this to 
>text/plain; format=flowed for each outgoing mail message.  i didn't see this in the 
>muttrc file or manual.  thanks.
> First thing's first: wrapping your lines at some point less than
> 80 characters is a "good thing".  =o)

The "right thing', even!

> As far as your question, though: I think that the "Content-Type"
> is hardwired into the Mutt source, (although I may be mistaken.)
> I suppose one could hack the source and recompile Mutt to effect
> a change.

You can edit the content-type type of the outgoing message with
ctrl-T and add "; format=flowed". Maybe there's a way of automateing
that, perhaps a hot-key that feeds the keyboard strokes to mutt?



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