On Tue 25-Dec-2001 at 06:33:15AM -0500, Philip Mak wrote:
> I'm used to using pine's editor, which handles filling of paragraphs
> (even if they start with "> " due to quoting) fairly nicely.
> I'm wondering what configurations for .vimrc do you guys use for use
> with mutt?

I don't know where it came from originally, but this $editor setting in
my muttrc seems to do it all:

# <F10> reflows the current paragraph and <F11> toggles indenting so
# paste works properly.
set editor="vim \
    -c 'set tw=72 et' \
    -c 'set autoindent' \
    -c 'set formatoptions=tcq2' \
    -c 'set syntax=mail' \
    -c 'map <F10> gqap' \
    -c 'set pastetoggle=<F11>'"

In a similar vein, this $ispell works quite well for me too:

# spell colour properly and ignore quoted text
set ispell='aspell \
    --language-tag=en_GB \
    --mode=email \
    --add-email-quote=%,#,:,} \


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