* Rob 'Feztaa' Park ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Alas! Thomas Hurst spake thus:
> > I stole PARINIT="grTbiqR B=.?_A_a Q=_s>:|" from someone and call it
> > with
> If I'm not mistaken, that looks _exactly_ like what the man page tells
> you to use if you want to "use par now, but understand it later". Then
> again, maybe it just looks vaguely similar and I don't know enough
> about par to recognize this :)

The man page states: 'rTbgqR B=.,?_A_a Q=_s>|', there's an extra 'i' in
mine which I'm sure does something l337 and magical I can't live

A quick look through the mutt-* and vim* lists I'm likely to have
grabbed it from doesn't show anything, so who knows :)

Q= is presumably 'Quote', with _s being a space and >| being the
character classes it matches.

B= is 'Body', mathing all upper and lowercase chacters, '.', ',' and

'i' is apparantly "invis", which seems to remove empty lines added by a
quote string. 'e' is a more powerful variant removing all superfluous

Other interesting looking entries are 'j' to justify (and a similar 'f'
option), 'l' to try to keep the last line from being too short, 'q'
which adds blank lines between quote levels, 'T4', which converts tabs
to the One True Tabstop using spaces (something I normally hate :).

Wow, that PARINIT's actually starting to make sense now.  Damn those

And yes, the default wrap is 72 anyway, but I like being explicit,
usually :)

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.aagh.net/
Money is the root of all evil, and man needs roots

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