
many thanks, the backtrace gives some insights:

The problem happens in a Ns_SetFree operation if set "d8"
triggered by an "ns_set cleanup" during the cleanup of the request.

Something is broken with this nsset.
Can it be that your application package issues "ns_set cleanup" as well?

Do you have a recent version of OpenACS? If so, you can turn on tracing
of the "ns_set" command by adding it to the "traced_cmds".


--- acs-tcl/tcl/tcltrace-init.tcl       27 Nov 2020 09:52:06 -0000
+++ acs-tcl/tcl/tcltrace-init.tcl       15 Aug 2023 17:13:51 -0000
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #set traced_cmds {::ns_setcookie ::ns_getcookie ::ns_deletecookie}
 #set traced_cmds {::ns_return ::ns_returnnotfound ::ns_returnfile 
 #set traced_cmds [lsort [info commands ::ns_return*]]
+set traced_cmds {::ns_set}
 foreach cmd $traced_cmds {
     append trace "\ntrace add execution $cmd  enter {::tcltrace::before}"

On 15.08.23 15:51, Brian Fenton wrote:

I reproduced the problem using the script running under gdb. Here's the output of backtrace and bt full. I'm new to using gdb so please let me know if you'd like to see some other info.
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