On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, you wrote:

> I can't see why newsx is attempting to
> post the message to my ISP's news server since I'm the only one on my
> network and the article is not written by me.

Basically, newsx does not care who wrote the article. For any given
external news host, newsx will attempt to post all articles that INN
places in its outgoing spool for that host. 

> What is making entries
> in /var/spool/news/out.going/SERVERNAME? other than me(gnus)?

INN is, not gnus. Gnus will post articles to your local INN server. As an
entirely seperate issue, INN will, for every external host name that
appears in the "newsfeeds" file, decide what articles that should be sent
back to that host. This decision is based on the PATH header entry. 

Most probably, your problem is that you have not set up the "exclude"
part of the newsfeeds entry for the host in question correctly. From the
example in the README it is "acme.net": 


In your case, it would be whatever your external news host places in the
"Path:" for all articles that it sees. Normally, this appears as the 
first path entry of all articles that you receive from this host.

Recent versions of newsx additional safeguards in this area - I assume 
you are using an earlier version.

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