Well that is no surprise since your also opposed to nearly every other
Free Software and community initiative.  The only reason you hang around
these communities is to grope money from them.

And GOD knows I wish that Verizon QOS'ed pilosoft.net to /dev/null.
Never the less, once you offer your service to the public, your a common
carrier and you should be and you actually already are regulated.

> As an ISP, I am *against* any kind of net neutrality that would apply to
> my network. I don't want government to tell me what I can and what I
> cannot do with my customer's traffic. Yes, most likely, I will not touch
> any kind of packets, but if I choose to give higher priority on *my* IP
> network to PilosoftVOIP packets, I should have this choice.

Thats a joke.  "Your" network is dependent on the common carrier access
of telco and all the rest of the net, which is a guarantee everyone who
uses your services also must have.

> If your suggestion is that "Net Neutrality" should only apply to ILECs and
> cablecos - oh I'm all for it...But it kind of seems unfair, doesn't it?  
> Not being a biggest fan of the incumbents, it does seem somewhat silly to 
> hamstring them. 

It would include ALL common carrier providers, but to answer your silly
question, No, it doesn't seem silly to single out companies for
increased scrutiny and regulation who are given physical monopolies
communications access to the world wide web, or any other communications
network, for that matter.

> The "right" thing of course would be to reverse the TRO and mandate ILECs
> to provide unmolested layer2 DSL transport to third-parties. But that 
> battle seems to be lost. 

For the same reasoning you just mindlessly sprawled out on your
keyboard.  As I said before, its not the zaniness of your opinions that
get me, but the bravado that you state them with!

BTW  Alex, please do SOMETHING about the spam emulating from your

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