So, in the case of T20, Quiklink should not have used the well-known High
Guard ship creation rule, even though it can easily be adapted for the d20
rules system, but it did not derived nor originated from said system but
another. Because by making it OGC, Quiklink would be in trouble with Far
Future who are very specific about the use of their copyrighted Traveller

Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place.

From: Fred
> --- Reginald Cablayan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So there has to be a clear trail of derivative works 
> linking back to the SRD
> > as the source, correct?
> What I'm saying is that if you're publishing something that's 
> intended to be
> used with some other OGL'ed system, like D20 or whatever, 
> then any rules that
> you build that are made to interlock with that are going to 
> have to use OGC
> ideas from that system, and as a result, they're going to 
> have to be OGC under
> the license.
> Systems that originate what amounts to a different SRD don't 
> have this problem.

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