2011/9/21 Pedro F. Giffuni <giffu...@tutopia.com>

> If some of the dictionary files can be relicensed under
> an Apache License I would consider including them there
> too but I would prefer to keep any copyleft stuff out of
> the new project.

BTW, is there any idea here about how to manage the dictionaries that were
*included* into the OOo dev repository (as third party code) and the binary
distribution of the product too?

And about the hyphenation dictionaries?

Some of these dictionaries, like the Italian one, have a very old history
that goes back to 2000/2001 and a very difficult licensing history (changes
of license and of copyright owners).

Is there any plan for a systematic approach to their copyright owners for a
license change?

It isn't a duty to included such dictionaries in the native language
binaries, but it's surely a user friendly behavior. Indeed, a *very
appreciated* user oriented behavior.


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