>> Adrian: The FreeCard Log is now available at: 
>> http://ufp.uqam.ca/Opencard/Log/index.html
>Alain: That was fast. It is quite interesting too. On
>behalf of FreeCard, thank you, Adrian, for this
>invaluable contribution.

Adrian: More to come, I've already updated the program that generates 
them.  Did anyone want cross-linking?  There's also a place for member 
information now.  Next, keywords so the cross linking is better.

>Alain: I don't know about 'historical accuracy' -- too
>brief a perusal to assess that -- but it is
>undoubtedly useful, particularly for our new members
>who do NOT have the time to read and re-read
>everything as you have done.

Adrian: Just make sure that I'm notified of anything that's inaccurate if 
and when you see it.

>> Adrian: Also remember that it doesn't include
>> anything from this year yet.
>Alain: Have you crossed over the Millenium threshold
>yet? No pressure. Just curious.

Adrian: The "get" command will be sent to the server at the same time 
this message is, then I work through another very active month.

>> Adrian: There are many improvements to come, but I'd
>> like suggestions on what to put on the first page
>> is displayed ...
>Alain: Hummm .. I will ponder this one tonight. And I
>will get back to you on it tomorrow. It's almost
>midnight here in the Land of Ice and Snow. Brrrrrr!

Adrian: I like Anthony's suggestion for new additions, but I'm not sure 
how I'll implement that.  We'll see.  More could definitely go there than 
that though.

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