On 29/1/2000 8:33 PM, opencard-digest wrote:

>At 1:39 PM +1000 on 1/29/00, Paul Sutton wrote:
>>Adrian: The FreeCard Log is now available at:
>Anthony: From looking at this, it seems I've become the de-facto leader. 

Adrian: You've certainly been mentioned in there a lot. :)  After reading 
the archive though, I don't think there really is *a* leader.  The 
leadership of the group changes to whoever has the best ability to lead 
at the time and on that topic.  It's very good to see.

>Also, it would be nice if when it gives thread names, there were links
>to the mail archive. it would make reading the relevant threads easier.
>The same could be done with quoted messages.

Adrian: How do the links to the mail archive work?  ie: If I had the name 
of the thread in variable threadName (properly URL encoded) how would I 
turn that into the URL to the thread in the archive?  (Java code would be 
great, C's fine though or just english).

>I like the format. The frames even seemed to fit (most framed sites
>I've seen are showoffism).

Adrian: The format is based on the output from javadoc which is excellent 
source code documentation.

> Anthony The display is a little crunched on my 13", though.

Adrian: It will appear crunched on small screens, not much I can do about 
that unfortunately.

Anthony: Also, there are HTML errors.

Adrian: Where???

>Curious as to why some of the page numbers are negative. This could
>possibly indicate a bug, I imagine. Or maybe just a missing 'unsigned'
>(or was the program not written in C[++]?)

Adrian: The program was written in Java and the file names are created 
with Java's hashCode() function.  Since there's no unsigned int in Java 
(just int) negatives are in there as well.  It's not a bug, it was the 
only way I could think of to get unique filenames that are shorter than 
32 characters.

>Anthony: Also, I think a neat thing to get up -- and the linux server would 
>that real easy -- would be a quick forum where one can post his own
>idea of what is important. We'd have to have some sort of moderation,
>though. Maybe a slashdot clone? Would be neat ;-) Also, a
>news:local.freecard.summary could work well for that, too.

Adrian: This is possible, though a CGI would have to be written, my 
program simply outputs static pages.  I think I'd prefer to see these 
suggestions be emailed to me personally for now and a separate list once 
we have the Linux server up.  This could be our test list to make sure 
the server is stable.

>Anyway, as to what should be on the front page: Perhaps a list of
>recent additions to the summary, to allow people to keep up to date?

Adrian: I like it.  I'll have a think about the best way to implement it 
... thought of it. :)  Look out for that in the near future.

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