It's quite possible the 3rd party HTTP server doesn't use the threadpool though 
I've never looked in detail.

You could supply any other http address in the GetTexture cap (e.g. the asset service directly with a suitable handler). However, I'm not sure that asset serving is such a bottleneck at the moment compared with scripting and physics issues.

On 17/03/12 21:10, Dahlia Trimble wrote:
I've done a bit of tracing through the code and I can't seem to find where the 
http server in OpenSimulator uses
threadpool threads. I did find them used in the LLUDP server and in asyncronous 
requests from the asset service, but I
have yet to find any other uses. is it possible that the http server is still 
using system threads, bypassing the
threadpool? I'm rather curious as I use the built-in http server in a few 
personal applications and I'm concerned about

On another note, I believe part of the impetus behind LL designing the texture 
fetch capability was to allow a separate
service from the simulator to supply assets to viewers, thereby reducing load 
on the individual simulator processes.
Perhaps this is something OpenSimulator can take advantage of? Probably some 
kind of asset proxy cache could do a much
better job of serving textures and other assets to viewers than the existing 
monolithic process? I believe it could even
be moved to a separate server with a different IP address.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Justin Clark-Casey < 
<>> wrote:

    Hi Akira.  I have now updated the "show threads" method to show threadpool 
statistics for the main threadpool.
      Please note that each XEngine script engine will also have it's own 
threadpool (which can be seen using the
    "xengine status" command).  Might need to improve this further.

    "show threads" will also show all in-use threads.  However, at least on 
mono 2.6.7 this isn't reported by the VM so
    won't be shown.

    I'm not sure whether this will help you or not in tracking down performance 
issues.  In some situations it could
    help (e.g. if threads are encountering deadlock the number of 'in use' 
threads will leap up, though you've probably
    already noticed deadlock by the long-running threads reporting monitoring 
failures and the sim locking up).

    So I'd be happy to hear suggestions for additional data and I'll implement 
them if I can, since I think this is
    going to be a growing area of concern.  Unfortunately pinning down 
performance issues with a system as complex as
    OpenSimulator (with massive numbers of threads and user generated scripts) 
is likely to remain a significant
    challenge for the forseeable future.

    On 11/03/12 19:15, Akira Sonoda wrote:

        Am 10. März 2012 03:25 schrieb Justin Clark-Casey < 
        <mailto:jjustincc@googlemail.__com <>>>:

            I'm sorry to say that you'll have to take the ThreadPool numbers 
with a very very very large pinch of salt.  I
            believe they only refer to the built-in mono thread pool and not 
the SmartThreadPool which is the one
        actually used
            (and beyond that the core simulator and xengine use separate 
pools).  I will try and improve this situation

        Thank you Justin!

        Would be nice to have some meaningful statistics for all those 
ThreadPools! Maybe there is a possibility to
        write those
        statistics to the log from time to time ( e.g. every 30 seconds). Together with 
some documented "best practices"
        those who operate Sims, with lots of avatars on it - I'm thinking 
mainly the OSgrid Plazas are good references -
        could be highly valuable information for those who operate Sims for 
similar purposes ( meeting points, parties,
        etc. )

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    Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
    Opensim-dev mailing list <> 

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