Am 10. März 2012 03:25 schrieb Justin Clark-Casey <>

> I'm sorry to say that you'll have to take the ThreadPool numbers with a
> very very very large pinch of salt.  I believe they only refer to the
> built-in mono thread pool and not the SmartThreadPool which is the one
> actually used (and beyond that the core simulator and xengine use separate
> pools).  I will try and improve this situation soon.

Thank you Justin!

Would be nice to have some meaningful statistics for all those ThreadPools!
Maybe there is a possibility to write those statistics to the log from time
to time ( e.g. every 30 seconds). Together with some documented "best
practices" from those who operate Sims, with lots of avatars on it - I'm
thinking mainly the OSgrid Plazas are good references - this could be
highly valuable information for those who operate Sims for similar purposes
( meeting points, parties, concerts etc. )
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