thanks for the satisfactory answer.
I have tried to study his solution but it is difficult for the lack of complete documentation.
I can try to explain better the problem:
I have a matrix of altitudes 410 X 296, I would want to represent her first in 2 dimensions (to color of white the smaller altitude and of black the greatest altitude),
then to represent her in 3 dimensions.
the purpose is to draw a volcanic ground for the simulation of castings of it washes.
can you help me to understand as I must proceed?
do you have some example of use of osg::HeightField and osg::Terrain?
thanks in advance

Aurora Restivo

From: Jean-Christophe Lombardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>> Subject: Re: to draw landscapes beginning from a matrix <> Newsgroups: <>
Date: 2008-01-31 15:03:49 GMT (4 days and 3 minutes ago)

You might either
* build an osg::HeightField ( and draw it with an osgTerrain::TerrainNode node with an osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer as an elevation layer * or use VirtualPlanetBuilder (


aurora restivo wrote:

I have necessity to draw landscapes beginning from a matrix that contains the data of the altitude.

can you help me?

Aurora Restivo

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