Hello All,

We are finally taking the plunge from OSG 1.2 and Producer to the newest
version on SVN.  (>GULP!<)
We are using osgProducer::OsgCameraGroup with a single camera and a
Producer::KeyboardMouseCallback.  I have been reading that we COULD possible
keep some of the Producer stuff, but it was recommended that we make the
switch and I figure we might as well make the break clean.

I saw some porting notes on the Wiki, but they seemed to be mentioning the
REASONS for the change from Producer to Viewer, not necessarily step by step
porting directions as I would have hoped.   There are a lot of paradigms
that I am used to in Producer that seem so very foreign in Viewer.  I did
take a look at the osgkeyboardmouse example and that makes sense to me, so I
think I will be ok using osgViewer::Viewer and replace my
KeyboardMouseCallback with a osgGA::GUIEventHandler.

My biggest question at this point is more about the version of Visual Studio
I am using.  We have been using VS 7.1 for all of our work so far, and I
downladed a copy of VS 9 Express to compile the newest source from SVN.  At
first I tried to replace the Viewer code, still using VS 7.1 but linking to
the libs made in VS 9, but I started getting strange errors about the
compiler stack overflowing.  I backed off all of my changes, because I
figured that I really screwed something up, and I am going at it again.

So that takes me to the real question here.  Should I be able to link my VS
7.1 project to the new OSG libs built in VS 9 Express?  Would it be better
for me to port my whole project over to VS 9 Express?  Perhaps I could use
CMake and build the new OSG using VS 7.1 and then link that in with what I

-- Rick
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