Hello Ricky,

I still can't solve this problem:
Error: [screen #0] ChooseMatchingPixelFormat() - Unable to choose the
requested pixel format

Your message is missing some info we need in order to help you, and there are some things you could do to try and troubleshoot yourself.

What is your hardware, OS, compiler, etc? Are you using the OSG binaries from http://www.mew.cx/osg/ or did you compile OSG from source? Are you using the 3rdParty binaries from http://www.mew.cx/osg/ or did you compile them from source?

If you run osgviewer cow.osg, does it give the same error? Or rather, if you want an equivalent test, try:

osgviewer --window 32 32 512 512 cow.osg

If that works, your code should also work. If not, perhaps the info above will help us zero in on the problem.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

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