I have seen this issue in the past when linking libraries built in debug mode 
with an app in release mode, or vice-versa, so that is the first thing to 
check. Since the assertion is in the debug C++ runtime (with the “d” suffix”) 
your app must also be built in debug mode with the same runtime.

Kind regards,

> On 19/03/2020, at 3:13 AM, OpenSceneGraph Users 
> <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> recently I encountered a sporadic crash in my App at same position upon 
> calling function Renderer::draw() in osgViewer/Renderer.cpp. The crash 
> happend at 
>   DEBUG_MESSAGE<<"draw() got SceneView "<<sceneView<<std::endl; (screenshots 
> of callstack are attached)
> and triggerd an exception via a string of basic streambuf operations very 
> deep down to msvcp100d.dll in dbgheap.c

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