Luca Bortot wrote:

hello everybody,


my name is Luca Bortot, I'm a software developer and my company recently required me to develop... an Outlook connector.

Excellent!! Welcome aboard.

We have no interest on keeping this piece of software proprietary, so I thought it could be a nice idea to join your project instead of re-starting from scratch.

Indeed. Only reinvent the wheel if its a 200% improvement I always say :)

in short:

- I'm paid for this work, so I'm supposed to spend a lot of time on it

Cool!! Any idea how much time you will be spending on it? Do you have deliverables? Are you full time at this company or contract basis?

- all the work I'll do will be "donated" to the open source community

Under what license if I may ask? Have you (or your company) considered a dual license scheme? This may help you recoup development costs.

and here are the bad news:

- I'll be primarily focused on the features my company needs: everything else will be done as "best effort"

What are those needs exactly?

- I'm not a Windows programmer

Neither am I. I tried setting up a windows dev environment and detested it. It crashed a lot and caused all sorts of problems. I am now setting up WINE as a development platform. I will be documenting what I do in order to help others who wish to do the same.

- I'm not a MAPI expert

I don't think anyone is. MAPI is something of a black art. Used everywhere and by everyone but understood by few.

therefore I'll need some time to learn the microsoft environment and the MAPI interface.

One pointer I can give you is :
Also: is a decent resource.

If you agree to accept me in your community, my first help request is... an electronic copy of "Inside MAPI" - I've tried to buy it, but it really looks like it is no longer available anywhere!

I can't speak for the rest of the otlkcon dev team but I welcome you aboard. I am happy to see this project taking off and having some serious time/money devoted to it. I am the lead developer of the oser project ( which is developing an open source exchange replacement. I am working with the openchange ( project that is developing an exchange compatible layer that my project will use.

thanks, Luca

Charles N Wyble
Developer/Consultant. 30.00 an hour is my fee.

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org:OSER Consulting
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