On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Rob Nagler wrote:
> Rocco Caputo writes:
> > I think it's not fair.  Despite POE's widespread adoption by hobbyists
> > and enterprises alike, I'm still not convinced it's ready for the
> > "Enterprise" label.  To be sure, I'd love to call POE "P5EE Enterprise
> > Certified" or something, but not before its time.
> Unless there is a large marketing budget behind this, I really don't
> see the point.  Your best bet is keeping a list of production systems
> that use POE with statistics about traffic and uptime.  mod_perl does
> this (sort of), and it's clear it's enterprise ready.

I don't think we need a big marketing budget.

Simply providing some kind of standards with which to comply and howing
what meets these standards and how - it will be useful to those attempting
to choose or deploy perl in 'enterprise' environments - just being able to
say 'this framework, meets these standards and if it dosn't fit, we can
replace this part with this and it will still meet the standards' will be
a boon for perl developers.



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