On 7/6/05, Chad, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I have a separate plastic case that I use to store my lenses. It is
>dark, and I keep silica gel in the case to keep out the Texas tropical
>moisture. When I go out and take pics I transfer the needed lenses to
>my Pelican case, which also has silica gel in it. I was wondering if
>any damage could occur by storing a lens in a Pelican case which has
>foam? Has anyone heard of foam causing damage, ie possible fumes, to a

I think the only possible problem - and it is very slight indeed - is
from mites. Small bugs that can infest the material used to cover the
foam padding. My sister's bloke has seen this is a LowePro before. They
live in the bag and eventually infest the camera, often appearing on the
focus screen so can actually be seen!

The cure was to freeze the gear and blow the stiffs out.



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