The fixed hood is not efficiently sized for the 16x24mm format, that's why. A 31mm lens should have a hood about 1-1.25 inches in depth at this diameter.


On Mar 15, 2006, at 1:22 AM, David Savage wrote:

Why is it worse on digital than on film?

The flare is in the central part of the frame when using it on a film
camera, as apposed to the edges on digital?

If that is the case it must be total crap when used on a film camera.


On 3/15/06, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's about it. It also makes a decent lens hood.

The fixed, built in hood was one of the things I really didn't like
about the FA31. While it's likely adequate for film cameras, it is
too little hood for the DSLRs and shows up with flare at the edges
when shooting in low light which have hot spots near the edges of the
frame ... something that an f/1.8 lens should be ideal for.


On Mar 14, 2006, at 8:25 PM, Joseph Tainter wrote:

Well, I just bought a Hoya RM 72 IR filter in 67 mm. size. I'd like
to use it on other lenses with step-up rings. I wish there was a
solution to fitting it onto my FA 31, but of course that shade is
in the way. I suppose I could knock the glass out of 5 or 6 58 mm
filtes, then screw them one on top of the other until I clear that
shade, then attach the step-up ring and the 67 mm. filter. Can
anyone think if another way?



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