On 14 Feb 2015, at 20:58, John <sesso...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> On 2/14/2015 3:11 PM, Steve Cottrell wrote:
>> On 14/2/15, Malcolm Smith, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>> For my English Literature 'O' Levels (or whatever the exams are called this
>>> week for those of around 16 years of age), I got a book of short stories. A
>>> few years later, my friend's brother, a few years younger than us, got the
>>> Hitchhiker's Guide. I don't think anyone in his class got anything lower
>>> than a 'B' grade, and most of them, before they knew that would be the book
>>> for the syllabus, could quote whole chunks of the book from memory. Lucky
>>> b*****ds.
>> Malcolm, in my sophomore year at (American) high school, I did a
>> semester course called 'Predictive Literature'. It was basically reading
>> and writing science fiction, and counted towards to overall English
>> grades required. 6 months of sci-fi! This was 1975/6.
>> We repatriated in 76 and I was landed into O levels and The Grapes of
>> bleedin Wrath.......... :-(
> Lucky you! We had to read the Scarlet Letter & Moby Dick that year.
> ... and it was five miles uphill both ways through knee-deep snow!

You were lucky. I had Scarlet Dick that year

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