--- Carrol Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I suppose that what interests me in this
> discussion is not the question of the
> > political significance of the third digit
> right of the point, but rather that
> > of the social role of different kinds of
> unemployment and near-unemployment.
> Correct! But that is determined through
> political struggle, not by
> academic spats over (as you say) the "third
> digit to the right of the
> point." I'm concerned that too many maillist
> denizens come to think that
> winning an argument on a maillist has anything
> to do with winning
> political struggles.
> Carrol

The problem as I see it is this academic tendency
to reify the concept over the social reality that
it is supposed to model or represent in political
discourse. If I have to take a calculation on
unemployment out to the third digit to satisfy
the statistician down the hall, so be it. If I
have to multiply a simple total (of unemployed)
by two to three because my collection methods are
so inadequate, I might as well be wanking myself
with all ten digits.

I think the whole concept of employment is
equally absurd. I'm absolutely sure that the work
I do of most social--and economic--value is my
volunteer editing duties--totally unremunerated.
Quite a bit more satisfying, though, if you think
about it, than taking one hour of part-time work
a week at an employment security office for 8
dollars just so some government stats person can
say I'm no longer unemployed.  

C. Jannuzi 

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