Enrico Sorcinelli wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 20:50:28 -0800
"Sean M. Burke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 11:25 PM 2003-07-20 +0200, Enrico Sorcinelli wrote:

Which namespace? We have chosen POD2::<country code> namespace
and specifically POD2::IT for the italian translations.

NOT country code! Language code!

Sure! :-)
Sorry for the lapsus. I've written country code but I mean a kind of 'language code' (it it exists).

Let's get this straight by using an example:

locale  namespace
en_US   POD2::EN::US::*
en_CA   POD2::EN::CA::*
fr_FR   POD2::FR::FR::*
fr_CA   POD2::FR::CA::*

(CA is Canada, fr is french/France, etc)

Now, POD2::FR::FR looks clumsy, it could probably be shortened to POD2::FR. Please correct me if I have understood anything wrongly.

Petras Kudaras
aka moxliukas
[Lithuanian perldoc translator]

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