On Mon, 14 Feb 2022 17:23:00 -0800
wes <p...@the-wes.com> dijo:

>if you right-click on the keyring, do you get any options around
>setting a password?

It just pops up the box to enter the password, and if I leave it blank
and then click on OK it gives an error message that I didn't enter the
right password. It won't take a blank password.

I can't find an option to launch Seahorse from the menus, but
'seahorse' from the command line did the trick. It provides a window
titled 'Passwords and Keys,' which gives me a panel on the left:

        Default keyring
        GnuPG keys
        OpenSSH keys
        System Trust

Clicking on 'Default keyring' gives me a panel on the right with an
image of some keys, underneath 'Keyring is locked,' and below that a
button 'Unlock.' Clicking on Unlock prompts me to enter my password,
but if I leave it blank it gives an error message that the password was
not correct.

Clicking on any of the other items gives me a window on the right that
says 'This collection seems to be empty.'

The Seahorse GUI seems unable to accept an empty password.

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