Hi Suraj,

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 04:38:08PM -0400, Suraj Nellikar (snellika) wrote:

> I was looking at the interface information in particular. I see that
> pre-tag supports that but the problem here is I have to know the
> interface numbers in advance to define rules in pre-tag config files. If
> my network is huge, assuming I know my interface index numbers, the
> config file will be huge if I have to identify each flow. So I was
> planning to add the interface (in and out) into aggregation rules so
> that it is listed in the sql database as part of the flow. Which c files
> do I need to look into if I want to provide this support? 

The best for a cleaner job is to look for any existing aggregation
primitive and track it down through the source files. Use as a
reference the VLAN ID. Grep for: 'COUNT_VLAN', 'vlan_id'. Should
you need any further support to facilitate your job, feel free to
drop me a line (here or privately).


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