On 06/16/2009 03:40:30 PM, Paolo Lucente wrote:

The best for a cleaner job is to look for any existing aggregation
primitive and track it down through the source files. Use as a
reference the VLAN ID. Grep for: 'COUNT_VLAN', 'vlan_id'.

As an aside, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how
easy it is to use etags to trace calls, function declarations,
and other references through the source code.  You might
consider trying it out.  (Or ctags, if you're a vi sort
of person -- although I can't vouch for how easy that
is to pick up.)

pmacct already has a Makefile target:
make tags

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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