> On May 7, 2018, at 21:52, Karl Williamson <pub...@khwilliamson.com> wrote:
> And I'm running into something that I know I had not previously gotten as far 
> as (which is encouraging), and I'm writing now for counsel.
> What to do about input files that are encoded in some alien encoding, like 
> Japanese 2202?  The Pod::Simple docs say it translates the pod into perl's 
> internal representation.  But should the extracted pod also be in perl's 
> representation, or should it be translated back to the original encoding?  
> The second way would be a way to really extract the pod portions of the 
> original.
> But I'm thinking it should be perl's, so that downstream modules can use it 
> as-is.  But I'm open to other reasoned opinions

I suspect the plea for counsel was more intended for David, but I’ll pipe up 
from the peanut gallery and say, “why not both?” It seems like the ideal thing 
to put under a feature flag. 

Of course, that just changes this decision into “which one should be the 
default and which one should need to be enabled?”, but perhaps thinking about 
it in those terms will make it more clear which has the higher utility value? 


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